Vintage Hauls

If you follow our Instagram you know it is absolutely impossible for us to pass an estate sale without stopping. We collect a variety of vintage items, too many really but we always pick up vintage sewing notions. Finding an old cookie tin filled with buttons, spools, and ric rac makes us squeal with delight, like children finding presents from Santa on Christmas morning.

So what do we do with all of these notions?
We save the oldest, rarest bits for our own creative projects and sewing room decor. But often, we include pieces in Junk Journal Kits. Sewing Themed kits are one of our most popular items. People repurpose old patterns, hem tape, lace, buttons, and such and use them as decorative elements on journals, mixed media art, assemblage projects, and more.
Here are some of our Sewing Themed JJ Kits

And who doesn't love buttons?
We store colorful buttons in old jars and vintage candy dishes. They add a pop of color to any space. We group these by color and sell them in our vintage shop too!
Look at our vintage trim bundles!
These sets are perfect for making tassels and embellishing journals. Below is tassel I made for my own journal. I tied lace, ribbon, and hem tape together, slipped them onto a ring, and added a few charms.

Have you visited our Pinterest yet?
Check out our Sew Fabulous and Journaling Board for tutorials and project inspiration.

Love what we curate? Check out our journaling shop HERE.
Stay inspired,